Big Sandy SWCD administrates the Local Erosion & Sediment Control Program for Buchanan County through a joint MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors.
Our staff provides Administrative, Inspection, and Enforcement duties to Buchanan County to keep erosion and sediment from entering our rivers, streams, and creeks.
You may or may not know that construction projects exceeding 10,000 square feet are required to have an erosion & sediment control plan. Furthermore, you may be unaware that grading for a house site that exceeds 10,000 square feet also requires an erosion & sediment control plan in the form of an AILO (Agreement In Lue Of) an erosion & sediment control plan.
Big Sandy SWCD staff works with local engineers, contractors, and landowners to help them through the process of getting their ESC Plans approved and Land Disturbing Activities permitted.
If you have any questions regarding our Erosion & Sediment Control Program, contact our office at the number provided.
Big Sandy SWCD
Phone# 276-935-7750
Fax# 276-935-7752
E-Mail:, or