Big Sandy SWCD partners with many agencies including federal, state, county, and local government; below are listed several agencies we work with to achieve our goals.
Abbreviated List:
VASWCD: (Virginia Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts)
DCR: (Department of Conservation & Recreation)
NRCS: (Natural Resources Conservation Service)
Virginia Cooperative Extension:
USDA: (Farm Service Agency)
VDOF: (Virginia Department of Forestry)
DWR: ( Department of Wildlife Resources)
DEQ: (Department of Environmental Quality)
Virginia Energy
Black Diamond RC & D
We also work with; the Buchanan County School System, Buchanan County Board of Supervisors, Buchanan County Litter Control Office, Keep Buchanan County Beautiful, Cumberland Plateau Recycling Waste Authority, Tri-County Coalition, and Black Diamond RC&D to improve litter and recycling in Buchanan County. If you would like to know more about our partner agencies contact the Big Sandy SWCD by phone or e-mail.